Luminex: light emitting fabric

Luminex is a new fabric (non reflective) that can emit its own light. It is created with threads of every type and nature that emits light in different colours. The integration of a luminous fibre into a fabric gives it the brilliance that makes Luminex a perfect choice for state-of-the-art installations. Interlaced fibre optic strands in this textile creates an almost ethereal effect when they glow and can be processed within the same methods as in textiles. The innovation can be used in many different applications, from the most frivolous to the most useful, in a multitude of areas yet to be discovered. From night clubs to the entertainment business, to necessary road signs and safety accessories to endless furnishing solutions, or whatever the imagination can create or the market requires. There are endless surface effect opportunities with experts on hand who can advise on this.
This light need not only remain static as integrated electronics also facilitate light response to pre-programmed external stimuli – anything from temperature change to the beat of music.

Posted 01 September, 2013 by Katie Kubrak